He was faster then her. Not by a lot, but enough to catch her attention. They passed each other going to and from the track and soccer fields. Even though they were only in sixth grade, something about the curly haired brunette boy’s quick wit and contagious laugh caught Emma’s attention. They became fast friends and spent the next three years of middle school and four years of high school by each other’s side.
Just as friends though. As their families and friends poked and prodded, teasing Emma and Josh that they would someday end up together, Emma and Josh would simply roll their eyes and deny it. But somewhere, down in their souls, they knew their family and friends were right. And eventually, after years of hiding mutual crush’s and skirting around the obvious, Emma and Josh ended up hand in hand. The rhythm of a relationship was easy after being friends for so long – it was comforting, natural, and familiar. And on one snowy day last December, as they spent the day making Christmas cookies with Emma’s family, he took her out onto the front porch and asked her to be his best friend for the rest of their lives.
They’ll be married next summer at Salomon Farms with a celebration at Dupont Downs, surrounded by family and friends who will proudly exclaim “I told you so” as Emma and Josh celebrate their first day as husband and wife. Emma and Josh- you two are the sweetest souls and I can’t wait until next September! xx- M
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